
比賽簡介 Introduction


With the evolution and increasing diversification of learning methods, many schools have recently adopted short film production as a replacement for traditional homework. Pan Lloyds believe that combining video with text helps express richer content and emotions, and better nurtures creative thinking. Therefore, to encourage students to use their creativity and technology, the activity of this year’s “Creativity All Around” is “My City · My Community” Greater Bay Area Student Video-shooting Competition. Students are given a chance to introduce their city or community through video, sharing their daily observations.

  • 每位參賽者均獲發「電子參與證書」
    Each participant will receive an electronic Certificate of Participation.

參加辦法 How to Apply

  1.  按此報名  請於 2024年6月21日至2024年9月15日報名
    Please click here for registration from 21st June, 2024 to 15th September, 2024.
  2.  按此遞交作品  請於 2024年8月1日至2024年9月30日遞交作品。
    Please click here for entries submission from 1st August, 2024 to 30th September, 2024.
  • 每位參賽者只可參賽一次並只能提交一份參賽作品,否則會被取消資格。
    Each participant is restricted to one submission in one group only. Subsequent entries by the same entrant will be disqualified.
  • 如有任何疑問,請致電 2942 9295 與本公司的客戶服務部聯絡或電郵至 pl.marketing@popularworld.com
    For enquiries, please contact CS hotline 2942 9295 or send an e-mail at pl.marketing@popularworld.com

比賽詳情 Details

  • 報名日期2024年6月21日至2024年9月15日
    Registration date: 21s
    t June, 2024 – 15th September, 2024
  • 遞交作品日期2024年8月1日至2024年9月30日
    Entry submission date:
    1st August, 2024 – 30th September, 2024
  • 比賽組別 Entry Group:
    • 初小組 (Lower Primary Group)
    • 高小組 (Upper Primary Group)
    • 中學組 (Secondary Group)

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比賽海報 Event Poster
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參賽作品要求及比賽細則及條款 Entry Requirements & Terms & Conditions
繁體中文版 Traditional Chinese:下載 Download
简体中文版 Simplified Chinese:下载 Download