購物須知 / Shopping Notice

1.1 購物程序 / Shopping procedure

  • i. 客戶必須先登記成為「樂思家長會」會員,方可進行購物 (登記成為會員費用全免)。
    Customers must register as a member of PP Club before shopping (member registration is free)
  • ii. 若客戶為2020年9月14日前註冊之舊有會員,於2020年9月14日後首次登入時需重新驗證手機號碼,往後客戶可使用登記電郵地址或已驗證的手機號碼登入。
    If the customer is an old member registered before Sept 14, 2020, his/her mobile number must be re-verified when first logging in after Sept 14, 2020, after which the customer can login with either registered email address or verified mobile number.
  • iii. 客戶於登入後便可進行購物,並享有會員限定購物優惠。
    Customers can shop after logging in and enjoy member exclusive shopping offers.
  • iv. 客戶於完成購物程序後,系統會即時傳送訂單確認資料到客戶的登記電郵地址。
    After the customer completes the checkout process, the system will immediately send the order confirmation email to the customer’s registered email address.
  • v. 所有訂單確認後,不可作任何更改,務請付款前,檢查清楚訂單內容。*
    After the orders are confirmed, no change can be made. Please ensure the order contents are correct before making payment.*
  • *請注意:產品圖片只供參考,客戶請因應需要選擇年級,最終訂購之貨品會以客戶之選擇為準。
    *Attention: The product images shown are for reference only. Please select the ‘Grade’ according to your needs. The final order of the goods will be based on your choice.

1.2 付款方式 / Payment Method

  • i. 現接受信用卡付款 (僅接受VISA及MASTER)、支付寶香港、微信支付及PayMe。
    Currently accept credit card (Visa and MasterCard only), AliPay HK, WeChat Pay HK and PayMe payment.

*只適用於網上開倉之送貨或自取方式 / Only Warehouse Sale’s Delivery or Pickup Method (只限香港地區 Hong Kong region only) 

送貨/自取方式 (選以下其一) Delivery/Pickup (Select one) 購物不足$600 / 只換領禮品,沒有同時購物 Orders below $600 / Gift redemption with no purchase 購物滿$600 Orders of $600 or above
送貨上門 Home Delivery 一般地區: $40 離島及偏遠地區 (包括沙頭角 (非禁區地區)、東涌、馬灣、打鼓嶺及古洞地區):$90 General area: $40 Outlying islands and remote areas (including Sha Tau Kok (non-restricted areas), Tung Chung, Ma Wan, Ta Kwu Ling and Kwu Tung areas): $90 一般地區: 免費 離島及偏遠地區 (包括沙頭角 (非禁區地區)、東涌、馬灣、打鼓嶺及古洞地區):$50 General area: Free Outlying islands and remote areas (including Sha Tau Kok (non-restricted areas), Tung Chung, Ma Wan, Ta Kwu Ling and Kwu Tung areas): $50
順豐智能櫃 SF Locker $40 免費 Free (*因智能櫃尺寸所限,購物滿$800之訂單不能選擇智能櫃 Due to the size limit of the SF Locker, any purchase over $800 cannot choose SF Locker)
順豐站自取SF Store Pickup

(只限指定地點 available at select locations only)

$40 免費 Free (*因順豐站自取的貨品尺寸限制,購物滿$1,200之訂單不能選擇順豐站自取 Due to the size limit of SF Store pickup, any purchase over $1,200 cannot choose SF Store pickup)
OK便利店自取 Circle K Pickup


免費 Free (*因OK便利店自取的貨品尺寸限制,購物滿$500之訂單不能選擇OK便利店自取服務 Due to the size limit of Circle K pickup, any purchase over $500 cannot choose Circle K pickup)

送貨或自取方式 / Delivery or Pickup Method (只限香港地區 Hong Kong region only) 

送貨/自取方式 (選以下其一) Delivery/Pickup (Select one) 購物不足$400 / 只換領禮品,沒有同時購物 Orders below $400 / Gift redemption with no purchase 購物滿$400 Orders of $400 or above
送貨上門 Home Delivery 一般地區: $40 離島及偏遠地區 (包括沙頭角 (非禁區地區)、東涌、馬灣、打鼓嶺及古洞地區):$90 General area: $40 Outlying islands and remote areas (including Sha Tau Kok (non-restricted areas), Tung Chung, Ma Wan, Ta Kwu Ling and Kwu Tung areas): $90 一般地區: 免費 離島及偏遠地區 (包括沙頭角 (非禁區地區)、東涌、馬灣、打鼓嶺及古洞地區):$50 General area: Free Outlying islands and remote areas (including Sha Tau Kok (non-restricted areas), Tung Chung, Ma Wan, Ta Kwu Ling and Kwu Tung areas): $50
順豐智能櫃 SF Locker $40 免費 Free (*因智能櫃尺寸所限,購物滿$800之訂單不能選擇智能櫃 Due to the size limit of the SF Locker, any purchase over $800 cannot choose SF Locker)
順豐站自取SF Store Pickup

(只限指定地點 available at select locations only)

$40 免費 Free (*因順豐站自取的貨品尺寸限制,購物滿$1,200之訂單不能選擇順豐站自取 Due to the size limit of SF Store pickup, any purchase over $1,200 cannot choose SF Store pickup)
OK便利店自取 Circle K Pickup


免費 Free (*因OK便利店自取的貨品尺寸限制,購物滿$500之訂單不能選擇OK便利店自取服務 Due to the size limit of Circle K pickup, any purchase over $500 cannot choose Circle K pickup)

送貨或自取方式 / Delivery or Pickup Method (只限內地地區 Mainland region only)

送貨 Delivery 購物不足$800 / 只換領禮品,沒有同時購物 Orders below $800 / Gift redemption with no purchase 購物滿$800並購物不足HK$1,600 Orders of $800 and below HK$1,600 購物滿$1,600並購物不足HK$5,000 Orders of $1,600 and do not over HK$5,000
送貨上門 Home Delivery HK$70 HK$140 HK$210

2.1 送貨時間

  • 樂思家長會購物平台:在確認收到客戶的貨款後約3-5個工作天內安排送貨 (香港書展及旺季期間,送貨時間會稍為延遲至7-14個工作天)。
    PP Club Shopping Platform: Delivery will be arranged within approximately 3 – 5 working days after confirming customer’s payment (the delivery time will be slightly delayed to 7-14 working days during the Hong Kong Book Fair and peak season).

2.2 送貨或取貨方式詳情(只限香港地區)

  • a. 送貨服務 / Delivery service (只限香港地區,離島及偏遠地區另收附加費 / Hong Kong region only, outlying islands and remote areas are subject to additional charges)#

      • i. 凡購物滿$400 (折實價計算,並不包括積分換領禮品或積分回贈金額之使用),可享免費送貨服務。
        Any purchase over $400 (calculated at the actual price, does not include the use of points for redemption of gifts or points rebates) can enjoy free delivery service.
      • ii. 凡購物金額不足$400,每次送貨運輸費用為$40。
        When the purchase amount is less than $400, the delivery charge for each delivery is $40.
      • iii. 送貨時間為星期一至六,上午10時至下午6時 (星期六只提供送貨服務至住宅地址) 。
        Delivery time is from Monday to Saturday, 10 am to 6 pm (Saturday only provides delivery service to residential address).
      • iv. 若客戶未能於約定的送貨時段收取貨品,每次重送貨品須額外收取$50運輸費用。
        If the customer fails to collect the goods within the agreed delivery time, an additional $50 delivery charge will be charged for each re-delivery.
      • v. 8 號或以上風球或黑雨警告生效時,送貨服務暫停。
        Delivery service will be suspended when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Signal is in effect.
      • vi. 客戶請以中文填寫送貨地址,以便安排送貨。
        Please fill in the delivery address in Chinese to arrange delivery.
      • vii. 唐樓、村屋或獨立屋需於地下交收,電梯不能直達的地址亦會在電梯可到樓層交收。如需送達至住址樓層,請直接與運輸公司商議,且需另加收費。不便之處,敬請見諒。
        For any order that deliver to tenement houses, village houses or single houses, the order collection will be arranged at the ground floor. If no elevator service is available at the premises, order collection will be arranged at the floor that is accessible by elevators. If you would like to have your order delivered to the designated floors, additional fee will be charged. Please contact the logistic company directly for arrangement. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
  • #離島及偏遠地區 (包括:沙頭角 (非禁區地區)、東涌、馬灣、打鼓嶺及古洞地區)須額外再收取$50運輸費用。
    #For outlying islands and remote areas (including: Sha Tau Kok (non-restricted areas), Tung Chung, Ma Wan, Ta Kwu Ling and Kwu Tung areas), an additional delivery charge of $50 will be charged.
  • b. 順豐智能櫃自取 / SF Locker pickup
    • i. 凡購物滿$400 (折實價計算,並不包括積分換領禮品或積分回贈金額之使用),可享順智能櫃免費自取服務。
      Any purchase over $400 (calculated at the actual price, does not include the use of points for redemption of gifts or points rebates), can enjoy free SF Locker service.
    • ii. 凡購物金額不足$400,每次智能櫃自取服務費用為$40。
      If the purchase amount is less than $400, the self-pickup delivery charge for each SF Locker is $40.
    • iii. 由於智能櫃尺寸所限,購物滿$800之訂單不能選擇智能櫃,請選擇送貨服務。
      Due to the size limit of the SF Locker, any purchase over $800 cannot choose SF Locker. Please select home delivery service as the delivery method.
    • iv. 如客戶所訂購的貨物規格超出了智能櫃的上限,順智能櫃會發送短訊(SMS)到客戶的手提電話,並會因應客戶要求,改派至順豐其他資源,如順豐站、順豐速運服務中心等。有關轉運所產生的費用將由客戶自行承擔。
      If the specifications of the goods ordered by the customer exceed the upper limit of the SF Locker, the SF Locker will send a short message (SMS) to the customer’s mobile phone, and will be reassigned to other SF resources such as SF Express Station and SF Service Center in response to customer requirements. The costs incurred by the transshipment will be borne by the customer.
    • v. 順智能櫃提供自助取件服務,大部分提供24小時服務。當貨品送達指定的順智能櫃後,順智能櫃會發送短訊(SMS)到客戶的手提電話,請於收到後24小時內憑短訊內的取件碼前往指定的智能櫃取件。如果24小時後包裹沒有被提取,順智能櫃的收派員會先回收包裹及聯絡客戶,並會因應客戶要求,安排再次派送到智能櫃,或改派至順豐其他資源,如順豐站、順豐速運服務中心等。第二次發貨所產生的費用將由客戶自行承擔。
      Most of the SF Lockers provide 24-hour service. When the goods are delivered to the designated SF Locker, the SF Locker will send a short message (SMS) to the customer’s mobile phone. Please use the pickup code in the SMS to pick up the package within 24 hours after receipt. If the package is not picked up after 24 hours, the delivery staff of the SF Locker will collect the package and contact the customer first, and according to the customer’s request, arrange for delivery to the SF Locker again, or reassign it to other SF resources such as SF Express Station and SF Service Center, etc. The cost of the second shipment will be borne by the customer.
    • vi. 8 號或以上風球或黑雨警告生效時,送貨服務暫停。
      Delivery service will be suspended when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Signal is in effect.
    • vii. 如需要了解順智能櫃的最新自取點及開放時間,請按此查閱。
      If you need to know the latest pickup point addresses and opening hours of the SF Locker, please click here to check.
  • c. 順豐站自取 / SF Store pickup
    • i. 凡購物滿$400 (折實價計算,並不包括積分換領禮品或積分回贈金額之使用),可享順豐站自取服務。
      Any purchase over $400 (calculated at the actual price, does not include the use of points for redemption of gifts or points rebates), can enjoy free SF Store service.
    • ii. 凡購物金額不足$400,每次順豐站自取服務費用為$40。
      If the purchase amount is less than $400, the self-pickup delivery charge for each SF Store is $40.
    • iii. 由於順豐站自取的貨品尺寸限制,購物滿$1,200之訂單不能選擇順豐站,請選擇送貨上門服務。
      Due to the size limit of SF Store pickup, any purchase over $1,200 cannot choose SF Store. Please select home delivery service as the delivery method.
    • iv. 如客戶所訂購的貨物規格超出了順豐站的上限,順豐站會發送短訊(SMS)到客戶的手提電話,並會因應客戶要求,改派至順豐其他資源,如順豐速運服務中心等。有關轉運所產生的費用將由客戶自行承擔。
      If the specifications of the goods ordered by the customer exceed the upper limit of the SF Store, the SF Store will send a short message (SMS) to the customer’s mobile phone, and will be reassigned to other SF resources such as SF Service Center in response to customer requirements. The costs incurred by the transshipment will be borne by the customer.
    • v. 8 號或以上風球或黑雨警告生效時,送貨服務暫停。
      Delivery service will be suspended when Typhoon Signal No. 8 or above or Black Rainstorm Signal is in effect.
    • vi. 如需要了解順豐站的最新自取點及開放時間,請按此查閱。
      If you need to know the latest pickup point addresses and opening hours of the SF Store, please click here to check.
  • d. OK便利店自取 / Circle K pickup
    • i. 凡購物滿$400 (折實價計算,並不包括積分換領禮品或積分回贈金額之使用),可享OK便利店免費自取服務。
      Any purchase over $400 (calculated at the actual price, does not include the use of points for redemption of gifts or points rebates), can enjoy free Circle K pickup service.
    • ii. 凡購物金額不足$400,每次OK便利店自取服務費用為$30
      If the purchase amount is less than $400, the self-pickup delivery charge for Circle K is $30.
    • iii. 由於OK便利店自取服務的貨品尺寸限制,購物滿$500之訂單不能選擇OK便利店自取服務,請選擇送貨服務或順便智能櫃自取。
      Due to the size limit of Circle K pickup, any purchase over $500 cannot choose Circle K pickup. Please select delivery or SF Locker pickup service as the delivery method.
    • iv. 當貨品送達指定的OK便利店後,OK便利店會發送短訊(SMS)到客戶的手提電話,請於指定時間內憑短訊的取件碼前往指定OK便利店取件。
      When the goods are delivered to the designated Circle K, Circle K will send a short message (SMS) to the customer’s mobile phone. Please use the pickup code in the SMS to pick up the package at the designated Circle K within the prescribed period after receipt.

2.3 送貨詳情(只限內地地區)

  • a. 送貨服務 / Delivery service

      • i. 凡購物金額不足$800,每次送貨運輸費用為HK$70。
        When the purchase amount is less than $800, the delivery charge for each delivery is $70.
      • ii. 凡購物金額滿$800並購物金額不足HK$1,600,每次送貨運輸費用為HK$140。
        Any purchase over HK$800 and below HK$1,600, the delivery charge for each delivery is HK$140.
      • iii. 凡購物金額滿$1,600並購物金額不足HK$5,000,每次送貨運輸費用為HK$210。
        Any purchase over HK$1,600 and below HK$5,000, the delivery charge for each delivery is HK$210.
      • iv. 客戶請以中文填寫送貨地址,以便安排送貨。
        Please fill in the delivery address in Chinese to arrange delivery.

會員制度及積分回贈 Membership and Reward Point

3.1 會員級別及續會方法 / Membership level and renewal method

  • a. 學士會員 Privilege Member
    • i. 客戶可於「樂思家長會」網站免費登記成為「學士會員」,可享永久會籍,並享各項會員優惠。
      Customers can register as a Privilege Member on the PP Club website for free, and enjoy permanent membership and various member benefits.
    • ii. 成為「學士會員」後,於一個年度內(1月1日至12月31日)累積購物滿$1,000即可升級為「碩士會員」。
      After becoming a Privilege Member, you can upgrade to a Premium Member with an accumulated purchase of $1,000 or more within a calendar year (January 1 to December 31).
    • iii. 「學士會員」購物每$1,可獲1分積分,每50分積分可於下次購物當$1現金回贈使用,或用作換領/換購禮品。
      Privilege Member earns 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as a $1 cash rebate for the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts. 
  • b. 碩士會員 Premium Member
    • i. 只要於一個年度內(1月1日至12月31日),「學士會員」累積購物滿$1,000(折實計),購物次數不限,即可成為「碩士會員」,會籍有效期至下年度的12月31日。
      Within a calendar year (January 1 to December 31), Privilege Member can become a Premium Member with an accumulated purchase of over $1,000 (actual price). The membership is valid until December 31 of next year.
    • ii. 會籍有效期內再次累積購物滿$1,000(折實計),「碩士會員」會籍將會自動續會至下年度。會籍有效期是指會籍生效日或續會日起計至下年度的12月31日。
      If you accumulate purchases of over $1,000 (actual price) during the membership validity period, the membership of Premium Member will be automatically renewed to the next year. Membership validity period is from the effective date or renewal date of membership to December 31 of the next year.
    • iii. 「碩士會員」購物每$1,可獲1分積分,每50分積分可於下次購物時當$2現金回贈使用,或用作換領/換購禮品。
      Premium Member earns 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as a $2 cash rebate on the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts.
  • c. 博士會員 VIP Member
    • i. 只要於一個年度內(1月1日至12月31日), 「學士會員」和「碩士會員」累積購物滿$1,800(折實計),購物次數不限,即可成為「博士會員」,會籍有效期至下年度的12月31日。
      Within a calendar year (January 1 to December 31), Privilege Member and Premium Member can become a VIP Member with an accumulated purchase of over $1,800 (actual price). The membership is valid until December 31 of next year.
    • ii. 會籍有效期內再次累積購物滿$1,800(折實計),「博士會員」會籍將會自動續會至下年度。會籍有效期是指會籍生效日或續會日起計至下年度的12月31日。
      If you accumulate purchases of over $1,800 (actual price) during the membership validity period, the membership of VIP  Member will be automatically renewed to the next year. Membership validity period is from the effective date or renewal date of membership to December 31 of the next year.
    • iii. 「博士會員」購物每$1,可獲1分積分,每50分積分可於下次購物時當$3現金回贈使用,或用作換領/換購禮品。
      VIP Member earns 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as a $3 cash rebate on the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts.

詳情如下 Details as below:

Membership Level
Privilege Member
Premium Member
VIP Member

How to join


Customers can register on the PP Club website for free





Privilege Member can be upgraded to Premium Member when the accumulative purchase amount exceeds $1,000 (actual price) within a calendar year (January 1 to December 31), and the membership is valid until December 31 of the next year. If the Premium Member fails to meet the membership renewal requirements, the membership will automatically become a Privilege Member.


(Example: The first purchase of Privilege Member on March 1, 2024 is $200 (actual price); the second purchase on August 1, 2024 is $300 (actual price); the third purchase on October 1, 2024 is $500 (actual price). As the accumulative purchase amount of that member exceeds $1,000 within a calendar year, his/her membership can be upgraded to Premium Member and is valid until December 31, 2025.)





Privilege Member and Premium Member can be upgraded to VIP Member when the accumulative purchase amount exceeds $1,800 (actual price) within a calendar year (January 1 to December 31), and the membership is valid until December 31 of the next year. If the VIP Member fails to meet the membership renewal requirements, the membership will automatically become a Privilege Member or Premium Member.


(Example: The first purchase of Privilege Member on March 1, 2024 is $500 (actual price); the second purchase on August 1, 2024 is $500 (actual price),can be upgraded to Premium Member ; the third purchase on October 1, 2024 is $800 (actual price). As the accumulative purchase amount of that member exceeds $1,800 within a calendar year, his/her membership can be upgraded to VIP Member and is valid until December 31, 2025.)


Membership period


After the customer completes the registration application and confirmation procedures, he becomes a Privilege Member and can enjoy life membership



The membership validity period of  Premium Member starts from the effective date or renewal date of the membership and ends on December 31 of the next year. (For example, if a member is upgraded to a Premium Member on February 1, 2024, the membership is valid until December 31, 2025)



The membership validity period of VIP Member starts from the effective date or renewal date of the membership and ends on December 31 of the next year. (For example, if a member is upgraded to a VIP Member on February 1, 2024, the membership is valid until December 31, 2025)





During the next calendar year after being a Premium Member, which means the last 12 months of Premium membership validity period, if you accumulate purchases of over $1,000 (actual price), your Premium Member membership will be renewed to December 31 of the year after next year. The membership can only be renewed once a year. (For example: the member is upgraded to a Premium Member on February 1, 2024 and the membership is valid until December 31, 2025. During January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025, if his/her accumulative purchase amount exceeds $1,000(actual price), the Premium membership will be extended until December 31, 2026)



During the next calendar year after being a VIP  Member, which means the last 12 months of VIP membership validity period, if you accumulate purchases of over $1,800 (actual price), your VIP  Member membership will be renewed to December 31 of the year after next year. The membership can only be renewed once a year. (For example: the member is upgraded to a VIP Member on February 1, 2024 and the membership is valid until December 31, 2025. During January 1, 2025 to December 31, 2025, if his/her accumulative purchase amount exceeds $1,800(actual price), the VIP  membership will be extended until December 31, 2026)




You can get 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as $1 for the next purchase, or used as a redemption/redeem gift.


You can get 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as $2 for the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts.


You can get 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as $3 for the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts


3.2 積分回贈 Reward Point Redeem

  • a. 有關積分回贈 About Reward Point Redeem
    • i. 學士會員:會員購物每$1可得1分,每50分可於下次購物當$1使用,或用作換領/換購禮品。(APLus電子產品之訂單不適用)
      Privilege Member: members get 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as $1 for the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts. (APLus eProduct orders is not applicable) 
    • ii. 碩士會員:會員購物每$1可得1分,每50分可於下次購物當$2使用,或用作換領/換購禮品,並享碩士會員所設之各項優惠。(APLus電子產品之訂單不適用)
      Premium Member: members get 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as $2 in the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts. Members can also enjoy various benefits setting for Premium Members. (APLus eProduct orders is not applicable) 
    • iii. 博士會員:會員購物每$1可得1分,每50分可於下次購物當$3使用,或用作換領/換購禮品,並享博士會員所設之各項優惠。(APLus電子產品之訂單不適用)
      VIP Member: members get 1 point for every $1 purchase, and every 50 points can be used as $3 in the next purchase, or used to redeem gifts. Members can also enjoy various benefits setting for VIP Members. (APLus eProduct orders is not applicable) 
    • iv. 積分回贈按購物金額 (折實價)計算,運費並不計算在內。(APLus電子產品之訂單不適用)
      Points rebates are calculated based on the purchase amount (actual price), and delivery charge are not included. (APLus eProduct orders is not applicable)
    • v. 積分回贈不得兌換現金。
      The reward point cannot be exchanged for cash.
    • vi. 積分回贈之金額一經使用,不能作任何更改或要求退款或退回。如有任何爭議,本公司將保留最終決定權。
      Once the reward points have been redeemed or used, requests for changing, refunding or returning are not allowed. In case of any disputes, the company reserves the right of final decision.
    • vii. 若取消訂單,該訂單獲得的積分回贈將同時取消。
      If the order is cancelled, the reward points gained from the order will be cancelled at the same time.
    • viii. 積分回贈以年度計算(1月1日至12月31日),該年度賺取的積分之到期日為下年度的12月31日 (詳見下表)。未能於有效期內使用之積分回贈,將視作自動放棄。
      The reward point rebate is calculated annually (from January 1 to December 31), and the expiry date of the points earned in this year is December 31 of the next year (see the table below for details). Reward points which are failed to use within the validity period will be deemed waived.

Validity of Reward Point:

Reward Point earned
Expiry Date
2024 年1 月1 日至2024 年12 月31 日期間所賺取之積分回贈
Reward Point earning between January 1, 2024 to December 31, 2024
December 31, 2025
2025 年1 月1 日至2025 年12 月31 日期間所賺取之積分回贈
Point earns between 2025-01-01 and 2025-12-31
December 31, 2026
  • b. 禮品換領及換購 Gift redemption
    • i. 會員可使用積分兌換指定禮品,部份禮品亦可加錢換購。
      Members can use their points to redeem designated gifts, and some gifts can also be redeemed with additional money.
    • ii. 禮品會跟隨訂單產品發貨,如只兌換禮品不購買其他產品,需另加$40運費自取或送貨。
      The gift will be delivered with the product ordered. If you only redeem the gift and do not purchase other products, an additional $40 be charged (self pickup or delivery).
    • iii. 本公司不時會邀請商戶參加「樂思家長會」之禮品換領/換購計劃,以便向會員提供更多獎賞及專享優惠。
      From time to time, the company invites merchants to participate in the gift redemption/repurchase program of PP Club in order to provide members with more rewards and exclusive offers.
    • iv. 如會員所選擇的禮品已換罄,本公司有權以同等價值的禮品取代,並不會作事前通知。本公司保留有關禮品換領/換購之最終決定權。
      If the gift selected by the member is exhausted, the company reserves the right to replace it with a gift of the same value without prior notice. The company reserves the right of final decision regarding gift redemption/purchase.
    • v. 本公司不就「樂思家長會」禮品換領任何換領之貨品及/或服務、或其就任何目的之適合性提供任何保證或聲明。任何有關換領之貨品及/或服務的保證或索償,須直接向有關生產商及/或服務供應商聯絡。
      The company does not provide any guarantee or statement regarding the redemption of any goods and/or services or its suitability for any purpose on the PP Club. Any guarantee or claim regarding the redeemed goods and/or services must be directly contacted with the relevant manufacturer and/or service provider.
    • vi. 因技術問題或錯誤而阻礙本公司從本公司的電腦系統取回有關會員的積分結餘的資料,造成任何積分損失或損害,本公司概不負上責任。
      The company shall not be held liable for any loss or damage of reward points caused by technical problems or errors that prevent the company from retrieving information about the point balance from the company’s computer system.
    • vii. 本公司保留權利隨時更改「樂思家長會」之獎賞、優惠及詳情,而毋須事先另行通知會員。若實際可行,本公司將就本條款的重大修改通知會員。
      The company reserves the right to change the rewards, benefits and details on the PP Club at any time without prior notice to members. If practicable, the company will notify members of major changes to these terms.

* 禮品款式及所需積分請參閱積分換領頁面。本公司保留權利隨時更改「樂思家長會」之換領禮品,而毋須事先另行通知會員。
* Please refer to the page of Reward Point Redeem for variety and required points. The company reserves the right to change the gift redemption of PP Club at any time without prior notice to members.

換貨安排 / Return items 

4. 換貨條款及細則 Exchange terms and conditions

  • a. 所有訂單確認後,不可作任何更改及不設退款,
    After the orders are confirmed, no change can be made and items are non-refundable.
  • b. 若客戶收到的貨品是因生產過程產生的問題或損壞,包括錯頁、倒印、倒裝或缺頁 (不包括人為因素造成的損壞或客戶訂錯書籍),可獲換貨或退貨。
    If the customer receives any faulty goods due to problems or damage caused by the production process, including wrong pages, reverse printing, flipping or missing pages (not including damage caused by human factors or the customer ordering the wrong books), they can be exchanged or returned.
  • c. 本公司於了解貨品問題後,將盡快安排更換貨品。惟客戶必須符合以下各準則:
    The company will arrange to replace the goods as soon as possible after understanding the problem of the goods. However, the customer must comply with the following criteria:

    • i. 客戶須於收貨後七天內以電話或電郵通知本公司,並須提供訂貨編號、顧客姓名、聯絡電話及換貨原因,逾期申請恕不接受。
      The customer must notify the company by phone or email within seven days after receiving the goods, and must provide the order number, customer name, contact number and reason for the replacement. Late applications will not be accepted.
    • ii. 若確定換貨,客戶須攜同有關壞書到本公司換貨,經本公司職員查證損壞貨品後,可更換相同貨品。如因貨源問題,未能更換相同貨品,本公司會為客戶退款。
      If the replacement is confirmed, the customer must bring the relevant damaged book to the company for replacement. After the company’s staff has verified the damaged product, the same product can be replaced. If the same product cannot be replaced due to supply problems, the company will refund the customer.
    • iii. 本公司需審核客戶退換貨品之理據是否充分,並保留拒絕退換貨品之權利。
      The company needs to review whether the customer’s reasons for returning or replacing the goods are sufficient, and reserves the right to refuse to return or exchange the goods.
    • iv. 若因退換貨品引起任何爭議,本公司保留最終決定權。
      If any dispute arises due to the return or exchange of goods, the company reserves the right to make the final decision.

聯絡我們 / Contact us

5.1 訂單查詢 Order Enquiry

      • 電話 Tel:2942 9295
      • 電郵 Email:pl.order.enquiry@popularworld.com

5.2 一般查詢 General Enquiry

      • 電話 Tel:2942 9295
      • 電郵 Email:pl.membership@popularworld.com

私隱政策及重要聲明 / Privacy Policy and Important Notice

6.1 私隱聲明 Privacy statement

The information collected by the company will be used for the following purposes

  • i. 處理會籍申請。
    Process membership application
  • ii. 匯編有關會員之整體統計表。
    Compile overall statistics of members
  • iii. 核實身份及記錄,並保持聯絡名單以促進會員與本公司之溝通。
    Verify identity and records, and maintain a contact list to facilitate communication between members and the company.
  • iv. 處理及跟進訂單、服務要求、查詢及投訴。
    Handle and follow up orders, service requirements, inquiries and complaints.
  • v. 向會員提供本公司相信會員有興趣及最新之資訊,例如推廣活動、新服務及產品及其他宣傳及市場推廣資料。
    Provide members with the latest information that the company believes members are interested in, such as promotional activities, new services and products, and other promotional and marketing materials.
  • vi. 向會員提出關於作為本公司的會員可享有的福利和優惠通知。
    To notify members about privileges exclusive to members.
  • vii. 本公司會不時與有關機構合作舉辦活動、提供聯合贊助、品牌推廣或產品及服務,並與有關機構共用會員的資料。
    From time to time, the company will cooperate with relevant organizations to organize events, provide joint sponsorship, brand promotion or products and services, and share member information with relevant organizations.

6.2 資料之傳遞 Data transfer

Generally speaking, the personal information provided by members is restricted to employees authorized by the company. The company will not disclose or transmit member information to any other person in a way that can identify customers, except in the following cases:

  • i. 若本公司需要利用第三者供應商及服務提供者去協助或改進本公司之資訊傳遞及服務,而客戶又使用上述服務,則本公司須將客戶之資料提供予提供該等服務之供應商或服務提供者。如果客戶不欲接受有關資訊,請電郵至pl.membership@popularworld.com 通知本公司。
    If the company needs to use third-party suppliers and service providers to assist or improve the company’s information delivery and services, and the customer uses the above-mentioned services, the company must provide the customer’s information to the supplier providing such services or service provider. If the customer does not want to permit the use of the relevant information, please email to pl.membership@popularworld.com to notify the company.
  • ii. 倘若根據法律所規定,本公司則會披露或存取客戶的賬戶資料。
    If required by law, the company will disclose or access customer account information.
  • iii. 本公司亦會為行政管理及其他本公司認為維持、檢修及改進本公司產品及服務所需起見,披露或存取賬戶資料。
    The company will also disclose or access account information for administrative management and other purposes that the company considers necessary to maintain, overhaul and improve the company’s products and services.