如何使用PP家長會積分 How to use bonus points

禮品換領 使用積分須知  Gift redemption rules

a. 禮品換領及換購 / Gift redemption

i. 會員可使用積分兌換指定禮品,部份禮品亦可加錢換購。

Members can use their points to redeem designated gifts, and some gifts can also be redeemed with additional money.

ii. 禮品會跟隨訂單產品發貨,如只兌換禮品不購買其他產品,需另加$40運費自取或送貨。

The gift will be shipped with the product ordered. If you only redeem the gift and do not purchase other products, an additional $40 be charged (pickup or delivery).

iii. 本公司不時會邀請商戶參加「PP家長會」之禮品換領/換購計劃,以便向會員提供更多獎賞及專享優惠。

From time to time, the company invites merchants to participate in the gift redemption/repurchase program of PP Parents Club in order to provide members with more rewards and exclusive offers.

iv. 如會員所選擇的禮品已換罄,本公司有權以同等價值的禮品取代,並不會作事前通知。本公司保留有關禮品換領/換購之最終決定權。

If the gift selected by the member is exhausted, the company reserves the right to replace it with a gift of the same value without prior notice. The company reserves the right of final decision regarding gift redemption/purchase.

v. 本公司不就「PP家長會」禮品換領任何換領之貨品及/或服務、或其就任何目的之適合性提供任何保證或聲明。任何有關換領之貨品及/或服務的保證或索償,須直接向有關生產商及/或服務供應商聯絡。

The company does not provide any guarantee or statement regarding the redemption of any goods and/or services or its suitability for any purpose on the PP Parents Club. Any guarantee or claim regarding the redeemed goods and/or services must be directly contacted with the relevant manufacturer and/or service provider.

vi. 因技術問題或錯誤而阻礙本公司從本公司的電腦系統取回有關會員的積分結餘的資料,造成任何積分損失或損害,本公司概不負上責任。

The company shall not be held liable for any loss or damage of reward points caused by technical problems or errors that prevent the company from retrieving information about the point balance from the company’s computer system.

vii. 本公司保留權利隨時更改「PP家長會」之獎賞、優惠及詳情,而毋須事先另行通知會員。若實際可行,本公司將就本條款的重大修改通知會員。

The company reserves the right to change the rewards, benefits and details on the PP Parents Club at any time without prior notice to members. If practicable, the company will notify members of major changes to these terms.


* 禮品之詳情或使用條款請參閱禮品頁面及相關的描述。本公司保留權利隨時更改「PP家長會」之換領禮品,而毋須事先另行通知會員。

* Please refer to the description of the gift for details or terms of use. The company reserves the right to change the gift redemption of PP Parents Club at any time without prior notice to members.


b. 送貨/取貨方法及禮品換領收費詳情 / Delivery/pickup method and Delivery charge of gift redemption 

送貨/取貨方法 (可選擇以下其中一項)

Delivery/Pickup (Select one)


Gift redemption with no purchase



Pick up at Popular Learning (OP Mall, Tuen Wan)

因應疫情關係,大眾教室(荃灣海之戀商場)O2O自提點由即日起暫停自提服務,直至另行通知,不便之處,敬請原諒! Due to the pandemic, pick-up point at Popular Learning (OP Mall, Tuen Wan) is closed until further notice. Please accept our apologies for any inconvenience caused.
Home Delivery
一般地區: $40 離島及偏遠地區 (包括沙頭角 (非禁區地區)、東涌、馬灣、打鼓嶺及古洞地區):$90 General area: $40 Outlying islands and remote areas (including Sha Tau Kok (non-restricted areas), Tung Chung, Ma Wan, Ta Kwu Ling and Kwu Tung areas): $90

EF Locker



* The delivery charge for gift redemption is subject to the arrangement of “Delivery/pickup method and Delivery charge of gift redemption” from Shopping Notice