
Your products are under different school book lists, system will clear your shopping cart.
閣下將會進入 “學校書單”,系統需要清空閣下的購物車。

Before entering the School Book List, system will clear your shopping cart.
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Welcome to School Book List
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Firstly, please enter the School Code first, and the system will automatically display the corresponding name of your school.

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    4. Under this TOU, save where the context otherwise requires: -
  1. words in the singular shall include the plural, and vice versa;
  2. the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neutral and vice versa;
  3. a reference to a person shall include a reference to a firm, a body corporate, an unincorporated association or to a person's executors or administrators;
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11.   Termination 

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領先數學──必考題型600題 (新課程版)

原價: $89.0會員價: $75.7

出版日期: 2023年6月(1上至6上) , 2024年1月下旬(1下至6下)
頁數: 116頁


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產品說明 Description

本書特色 :

  • 每冊精選600題學校測考最常見的題型及問法,題量豐富,題型多元化。
  • 每個練習先作「重點重温」,再分析「易錯點」,以講解及例子幫助學生快速重温該課重點及了解易犯錯誤。
  • 部分練習設有「速算教室」,介紹速算方法,並於練習加入相關題目,幫助學生加快答題速度。
  • 每個練習特設1至2道測考必考題及較高程度題目,供學生作自我挑戰。
  • 分階段進行「單元重温」及測考,幫助學生鞏固基礎及強化應試能力。
  • 特備「家長天書」,提供「家長加油站」、「應試要點」和「必考題型解構」,使家長在指導學生時更得心應手。另附答案詳解,高程度題目會提供詳細的題解,方便學生自學。
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領先數學──必考題型600題 (新課程版)


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Privacy Policy Statement(Pan Lloyds Group)
In accordance with the provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong SAR of the People’s Republic of China) (“Ordinance”) setting this Privacy Policy Statement (“PPS”).
Revision Date: 23rd January, 2024
This PPS applies to following companies/brand names: -
1. Pan Lloyds Publishers Limited (“Pan Lloyds”);
2. JumpStart Publishers (“JumpStart”);
3. PopLearn;
4. Pan Lloyds?JumpStart PP Parents Club (“PP Parents Club”): and
5. APLus.
1. Objectives of this Policy Statement
1.1 This PPS sets out the obligations and policies of Pan Lloyds, JumpStart, PopLearn, PP Parents Club and APLus (hereinafter collectively called as our “Group”) in accordance with the Ordinance. It is to ensure that staff members who have access to personal data will take all reasonable steps to ascertain that such personal data is properly and confidentially kept and dealt with.
2. Personal data
2.1 Our Group holds and keeps personal data collected from various types of sources (including online media) for the purposes listed in this PPS, and ensure that the following personal data will be handled and dealt with in accordance with the Ordinance and this PPS.
2.2 In this PPS, unless otherwise stated: -
(a) a data subject means a personal data provider, who is a person being a customer, a user, a member, a subscriber, a visitor and etc. of those website(s), App(s), services and/or products provided by our Group, provides his/her personal data to our Group (“data subject”);
(b) “personal data” includes any personally identifying information or sensitive data from which it is practicable for the identity of an individual to be ascertained, such as: name, age, gender, photo image, address, contact details, HKID card or passport/entry permit numbers, job, working experience, education background, academic assessment and performance records, co-curricular data, bank information and etc.;
(c) words in the singular shall include plural, and vice versa;
(d) the masculine gender shall include the feminine and neutral and vice versa;
(e) a person shall include a reference to a natural person, a firm, an unincorporated association/organization, a body corporate, legal entity and etc.; and
(f) the headings in this PPS are for convenience only and shall not affect the interpretation of any provision of this PPS.
2.3 Our Group will collect personal data in accordance with the relevant legislations.
2.4 In case that a data subject is a minor, our Group will request and collect such data subject to provide us with his/her parents’/guardian’s name and contact phone number for necessary or urgent purpose.
2.5 Ways of our Group collecting personal data include:
(a) visit Pan Lloyds website (www.pan-lloyds.com ), JumpStart website (www.JumpStartpublishers.com), PopLearn website (www.poplearn.hk), APLus website (www.aplus.plgroup.hk), PP Parents Club website (ppparentsclub.plgroup.hk) and other supporting/related websites;
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(c) participate in competitions, activities and entertainment matters;
(d) enrol for seminars, promotional events, training courses, tuition courses or interest classes;
(e) sign up for any individual user account(s) or school-based (including tuition courses, interest classes and etc.) account(s);
(f) shop at PP Parents Club website (ppparentsclub.plgroup.hk) ;
(g) services and entertainment provided at PP Parents Club website (ppparentsclub.plgroup.hk);
(h) subscribe to the newsletter or publications of our Group; and
(i) participate those activities operated and/or organized by our Group.
2.6 Our Group may also conduct desk and/or online research to collect personal data. Sources may come from general information on the Internet, government publications, newspapers, magazines, information released by registered organizations and any other information which is open for public inspection.
2.7 Our Group may conduct marketing activities (including marketing activities through internet) to collect personal data. Our Group may also obtain personal data from all kinds of primary research such as sales visits, personal and telephone interviews, focus group discussions, questionnaires and so on.
3. Purposes of collecting personal data
3.1 Purposes for which personal data may be used for the following purposes including:
(a) sending written notifications/messages in relation to our Group’s activities, competitions, mock examinations, trainings, promotions and events;
(b) sending written notifications/messages in relation to the services provided under the website and other related products and services;
(c) sales promotions of books, multimedia and other teaching/learning resources, products as well as services (you may opt out from receiving promotional messages) (please see Parts 4 and 5 below for details):
(d) evaluation and further enhancement of the products and services quality/performance of our Group;
(e) processing games, lucky draws and promotional events;
(f) provision of on-line teaching/learning resources, teaching, activities and useful weblinks; and
(g) those purposes listed in our Group’s Personal Information Collection Statement.
3.2 If the purpose of using personal data involves direct marketing purpose, our Group will deal with it in accordance with Part 5 below.
4. The use of personal data
4.1 Our Group will use personal data for the use of our Group’s business including but not limited to: -
(a) process membership application, subscription of services and products, activities / course enrolment and handle account matters;
(b) compile overall statistics of data subjects;
(c) verify identity and records, and maintain a contact list to facilitate communication between data subjects and our Group;
(d) handle and follow up orders, goods and/or service requirements, inquiries and complaints;
(e) conduct survey researches;
(f) provide data subjects with the latest information that our Group believes data subjects are interested in, such as promotional activities, new services and products, and other promotional and marketing materials;
(g) events/Activities invitation;
(h) notify data subjects about privileges exclusive to PP Parents Club members; and
(i) from time to time, our Group will cooperate with relevant organizations to organize events, provide joint sponsorship, brand promotion or products and services, and share data subjects’ information with relevant organizations.
4.2 If the use of personal data involves direct marketing use, our Group will deal with it in accordance with Part 5 below.
5. The use of personal data for direct marketing activities
5.1 Our Group may use the personal data including name, telephone number, address, email address, education background, etc. to promote and market our Group's products, services and etc. to data subjects through direct marketing. Our Group will always comply with the Ordinance and other applicable law and, if required obtain the prior consent of data subject(s) before our Group uses any personal data for direct marketing.
5.2 If any data subject and any person concerned prefers his/her personal data not to be used for the purpose of direct marketing activities, please send an email, along with his/her name and account number, to PDP Coordinator at panlloyds@popularworld.com notifying our Group that he/she does not wish his/her personal data to be used for such purposes.
6. Use of Cookies
6.1 Some of the web pages on our website(s) contain ‘cookies’ to enhance users’ experience. Cookies are text files placed in users’ (including data subjects’) computer’s Internet browser to store users’ preferences. Cookies, by themselves, do not provide users’ email addresses or other personal data to us. Our Group only obtains this information when the users choose to provide it to our Group’s website(s). However, once the users choose to furnish the website with their personal data, such data may be linked to data stored in the ‘cookies’. Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If users would prefer, they can set their browser to disable cookies or inform them when they are set. But if they do so, certain functionalities of our website(s) may not be available to them.
7. Retention of personal data
7.1 Our Group’s PPS is to retain personal data for a period no longer than is required to fulfil the purpose (or any directly related purpose) for which the personal data was to be used, subject to legal, statutory and regulatory requirements mandating the retention of personal data.
8. Accuracy of personal data
8.1 Our Group has certain procedures in place to maintain personal data at a reasonable level of accuracy, completeness and relevancy for the purpose for which the personal data is to be used. Our Group aims to keep personal data of any data subject accurate and up-to-date. However, our Group relies on any data subject to disclose all material information to us and to inform us of any errors or changes in such information.
8.2 Any person concerned may amend his/her personal data in accordance with “Data access and correction requests” part below.
9. Data access and correction requests
9.1 Under the Ordinance, a data subject has the right to:
(a) Check whether our Group holds any of his/her personal data and get access to such data;
(b) Retrieve a copy of their data and correct their data. For access or correction to the data, please make requests by a letter or through an email to: -
Customer Service Manager
Pan Lloyds Publishers Limited / JumpStart Publishers / PopLearn/ Pan Lloyds ? JumpStart PP Parents Club / APLus
14/F, Tsuen Wan Industrial Centre, 220-248 Texaco Road, Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2408 0174
E-mail: panlloyds@popularworld.com/
9.2 Our Group will reply to the data access or correction requests within 40 days from the date of receipt of such written request.
9.3 Our Group may charge an administrative fee, when handling the requests.
9.4 Our Group will properly keep and store those data subjects’ personal data until (i) his/her membership ceases; (ii) our Group has received the written request of the data subject or any person concerned; or (iii) the completion of the relevant purpose of the collection of the personal data, our Group shall delete such person’s personal data accordingly.
10. Data transfer
10.1 Generally speaking, the personal information/data provided by data subjects is restricted to employees authorized by our Group. Our Group will not sell, trade or rent personal identification information to others. The personal data held by our Group will be kept confidential, except in the following cases: -
(a) If our Group needs to use third-party suppliers and service providers to assist or improve our Group's information delivery and services, and the data subject uses the above-mentioned services, our Group will provide the data subject's personal information to the supplier providing such services or service provider.
(b) Our Group will disclose and provide personal data when required to do so by law or pursuant to the Court’s orders (including the need of the litigations) or under the request/order of the relevant governmental authorities (including law enforcement agencies, authorities and regulatory authorities).
(c) Our Group will also disclose or access account information for administrative management and other purposes that our Group considers necessary to maintain, overhaul and improve our Group’s products and services.
(d) If our Group and its working partners on joint promotions and the participants/data subjects’ personal information is needed to fulfill the committed service. If any data subject does not want to permit the use of his/her personal data for this purpose, please email to pl.membership@popularworld.com to notify our Group.
11. Security precautions
11.1 Our Group will try to encrypt all personal data and use encryption for transmission of sensitive data. While striving to protect all personal data, our Group cannot ensure or warrant the security of any information transmitted to our company in any form.
11.2 Access to personal data is restricted to those of our Group’s employees who need to use the data and have been trained to handle such data properly and to observe confidentiality.
11.3 Any person who has access to personal data held by our Group is duty bound under an act of confidentiality to our Group, which has in turn undertaken to keep such information confidential.
12. Protection of children (Applicable to online media only)
12.1 Visitors/Users to any website(s) and/or App(s) of our Group who are under the age of 18 must obtain permission from parents or his/her guardian before undertaking any of the following activities:
(a) sending out any of his /her personal data or information of others;
(b) entering any competitions, games, entertainment activities or lucky draws; or
(c) purchasing any service and/or products.
12.2 Visitors/Users to any website(s) and/or App(s) of our Group who are under the age of 18 undertake any of the above activities and/or provide us with personal data, he/she will be deemed to have obtained permission of his/her parents or guardian therefor.  Thus, our Group advises that parents and guardian should closely monitor those persons under 18 who visit our Group’s website(s) and/or App(s) and give proper guidance.
12.3 As the above data may be made public online, it should be noted that the user is advised to submit a first name or initials instead of a full name, even with the permission from parents or legal guardians.
13. Exemption
13.1 Nothing stated in this PPS shall limit the rights of any data subject under the Ordinance. However, certain exemptions may arise in the circumstances where prejudice or affect public or social interests such as national safety and security, anti-terrorism, anti-money laundering, prevention or detection of crime and so on.
13.2 The articles, essays, photos and content uploaded on this website and/or Apps of our Group are provided by authors or information providers. The authors or information providers will be held liable for all consequences of legal disputes or the loss of our Group.
14. Hyperlinks
14.1 When any person and/or any data subject visits and uses our Group’s website and/or Apps clicking on any advertisement or hyperlink linking to another website and/or Apps, he/she will then leave our Group’s website and/or Apps for another location. Our Group shall not be responsible for the privacy and security practices or the content of such websites and/or Apps and he/she should always check the privacy policy of all websites and/or Apps he/she clicked in.
15. Others
15.1 Our Group reserves its right to amend, revise and change this PPS at any time but will as soon as practicable notify the concerned parties on the website and/or App’s homepage, or by email, fax, or mail for any updates.
15.2 If there is Chinese version of this PPS and the content therein (if any) has any difference with English version thereof, the English version shall prevail.
15.3 Nothing in this PPS shall affect the rights and obligations of our Group with any data subject under any contract.
15.4 If you or any data subject do(es) not wish to receive any promotional and direct marketing materials, information and messages from our Group, please write a letter or an email to: -
Pan Lloyds Publishers Limited / JumpStart Publishers /PopLearn / Pan Lloyds ? JumpStart PP Parents Club / APLus
14/F, Tsuen Wan Industrial Centre, 220-248 Texaco Road, Tsuen Wan, NT, Hong Kong
Fax: (852) 2408 0174
E-mail: panlloyds@popularworld.com/
私隱政策聲明 (樂思教育出版集團)
本PPS適用於以下公司/品牌名稱: -
1. 樂思教育出版有限公司 (以下簡稱「樂思」);
2. 躍思教育出版社 (以下簡稱「樂思」);
3. ?課堂;
4. 樂思.躍思PP家長會 (以下簡稱「PP家長會」);及
5. APLus。
1. 本政策聲明的制訂目的
1.1  按該條例,樂思、躍思、?課堂、PP家長會及APLus (以下合稱「本集團」) 制訂其私隱政策,並詳列在本PPS中,以確保員工在處理個人資料時,採取一切合理步驟,妥善處理保存及保密個人資料。
2. 個人資料
2.1 本集團從多種來源(包括網上媒介)收集的個人資料,用於本PPS中列明的用途。 本集團會確保按照該條例及本PPS處理下述的個人資料。
2.2 除另有說明外,本PPS中: -
(a) 資料當事人包括個人資料提供者為本集團的客戶、用戶、會員、訂閱?、應用程式使用者/瀏覽者、服務及/或產品認購者等等,向本集團提供個人資料(以下簡稱「資料當事人」);
(b) “個人資料” 包括可以確定個人身份的個人身份信息或敏感數據,例如:姓名、年齡、性別、照片圖像、地址、聯繫方式、香港身份證或護照/入境許可證號碼、職業,工作經驗、教育背景、學業成績評估和表現記錄,課外活動資料,以及銀行資料等;
(c) 單數詞包括複數詞,反之亦然;
(d) 男性亦指女性及不屬於男性或女性者,反之亦然;
(e) 個人可包括自然人、公司、非法人團體/組織和法人團體等;及
(f) 標題僅為方便而設,並不應影響本PPS的詮釋。
2.3 本集團會按有關法律規定收集個人資料。
2.4 如資料當事人未成年,則本集團會要求資料當事人提供其父母/監護人的姓名及聯絡電話,以備需要或緊急時聯絡 。
2.5 本集團收集個人資料的方法包括:
(a) 瀏覽樂思的網站(www.pan-lloyds.com)、躍思的網站(www.jumpstartpublishers.com)、?課堂的網站(www.poplearn.hk)、APLus的網站 (www.aplus.plgroup.hk) 、PP Parents Club website (ppparentsclub.plgroup.hk)及其他相關/支援網頁;
(b) 瀏覽本集團任何應用程序;
(c) 參加比賽、活動或娛樂事宜;
(d) 參加研討會、展銷活動、培訓課程、補習班或興趣班;
(e) 登記任何個人或學校(包括補習班、興趣班等)帳戶
(f) 於PP家長會(ppparentsclub.plgroup.hk)購物
(g) 於PP家長會(ppparentsclub.plgroup.hk)提供服務及娛樂;
(h) 訂閱本集團的通訊或刊物; 及
(i) 參與本集團舉辦/組織的活動。
2.6 本集團亦可能透過文案及/或網上研究收集個人資料,此等資料來源包括互聯網上展示之資訊、政府刊物、報章、雜誌、註冊團體所公佈的資料及其他一切公開給公?查閱的資料。
2.7 本集團可從市場推廣活動(包括互聯網上推廣)中收集個人資料。本集團亦會透過任何類型調查如客戶探訪、個人或電話訪問、小組討論、問卷調查等收集個人資料。
3. 收集個人資料的目的
3.1 個人資料可能作以下用途:
(a) 傳送有關本集團的活動、比賽、模擬考試、訓練、推廣之書面通知;
(b) 傳送有關網頁提供的服務,或其他有關商品及服務的書面通知;
(c) 宣傳和推廣書籍、多媒體和其他與教學/學習有關的資源、產品及服務(您可選擇拒收推廣資料)(詳見下述第4及5部);
(d) 評估和進一步加強本集團的產品和服務質素/表現;
(e) 進行遊戲、抽獎及宣傳推廣活動;
(f) 提供網上教學/學習資源、教學、活動及相關網站連結;及
(g) 本集團在收集個人資料聲明中列明的目的。
3.2 如使用個人資料涉及直接促銷目的,則本集團亦會按以下第5部處理。
4. 個人資料的用途
4.1 本集團擬使用個人資料用作本集團業務用途,包括但不限於:
(a) 處理會籍申請、認購服務和產品、註冊活動/課程及處理賬戶事宜;
(d) 處理及跟進訂單、商品及/或服務要求、查詢及投訴
(g) 邀請參與活動;
(h) 向資料當事人提出關於作為PP家長會會員可享有的福利和優惠通知;及
(i) 本集團會不時與有關機構合作舉辦活動、提供聯合贊助、品牌推廣或產品及服務,並與有關機構共用資料當事人的資料。
4.2 如使用個人資料涉及直接促銷用途,則本集團亦會按以下第5部處理。
5. 為直接促銷目的及用途而使用個人資料
5.1 本集團可能會使用個人資料包括姓名、電話號碼、地址、電郵、教育背景等以直接促銷方式向資料當事人直接促銷推廣本集團的產品和服務等。 在將資料當事人的個人資料用於直接促銷活動之前,本集團將時刻遵守該條例及任何其他適用法律,在需要時取得資料當事人事先同意。
5.2 如果任何資料當事人及有關人士不希望其個人資料被用於直接營銷活動,請發送電郵(連同你的姓名及賬戶編號)至panlloyds@popularworld.com與協調主任聯絡,告知本集團他/她不希望他/她的個人資料被用作此用途。
6. 使用「曲奇」檔案(Cookies)
6.1 部分本集團網頁中會包含「曲奇」檔案以提升使用者體驗。「曲奇」檔案是一種存於使用者(包括資料當事人)電腦內之互聯網瀏覽器的小型文字檔,用以儲存使用者的喜好資料。「曲奇」檔案本身不會向本集團提供使用者的電郵地址或其他個人資料。本集團只會在使用者選擇向本集團網站提供有關個人資料時,才存取有關資料。然而,當使用者向網站提供個人資料時,有關資料有可能連結至存於「曲奇」檔案中的數據。大部分互聯網瀏覽器初始設定為允許使用「曲奇」檔案。假如使用者不允許「曲奇」檔案的使用,可在互聯網瀏覽器及電子裝置上作出調整。如使用者停用「曲奇」檔案,使用者可能無法使用我們網頁的某些功能。
7. 個人資料的保留
7.1 本集團PPS規定,個人資料的保留時間不得長於達致資料用途(或任何直接相關的目的)所需的時間,且須受與保留個人資料有關的法律、法定及監管規定的規限。
8. 個人資料的準確性
8.1 本集團已訂立若干程序,將個人資料的準確性、完整性及關聯性保持在合理水平,以配合個人資料的用途。本集團希望資料當事人的個人資料保持準確及最新。然而,本集團倚賴資料當事人向本集團披露所有重要資訊,並告知本集團有關此等資訊的任何錯誤或變更。
8.2 在適當情況下,有關人士可按下文所述「查閱或修改個人資料的權利」,修訂其個人資料。
9. 查閱和修改個人資料的權利
9.1 按該條例規定,資料當事人有權:
(a) 查核本集團是否持有其個人資料及查閱該等資料;
(b) 索取有關的資料副本和修改其資料記錄。索取或更改資料,請以信件或電郵方式提出有關要求: -
樂思教育出版有限公司 /躍思教育出版社 /?課堂 /樂思.躍思PP家長會 /APLus
傳真:(852) 2408 0174
9.2 本集團將於收到有關書面要求後的四十日內,對資料當事人的查詢或修改資料的要求作出回應。
9.3 本集團於處理索取資料的要求時,或會酌情收取行政費用。
9.4 本集團會妥善地保留資料當事人的個人資料,直至(i)資料當事人與本集團終止會員關係;或(ii) 收到有關人士/資料當事人的書面要求;或(iii) 完成相關收集個人資料的目的,本集團將會刪除其個人資料。
10. 資料之傳遞
10.1 一般而言,資料當事人所提供的個人資料只限由本集團授權的僱員取用。 本集團不會向任何其他人士出售、交易或出租會員之個人資料。 本集團會保密地持有任何個人資料,下列情況除外:-
(a) 若本集團需要利用第三者供應商及服務提供者去協助或改進本集團之資訊傳遞及服務,而資料當事人又使用上述服務,則本集團須將資料當事人之資料提供予提供該等服務之供應商或服務提供者。
(b) 倘若根據法律所規定或法庭命令(包括訴訟需要)或有關政府部門(包括執法部門及監管機構)的要求/指令,本集團則會披露或提供資料當事人的個人資料。
(c) 本集團亦會為行政管理及其認為維持、檢修及改進產品及服務所需起見,披露或存取賬戶資料。
(d) 若本集團與其合作伙伴所舉辦的活動上須要使用到參加者/資料當事人之資料來提供相關服務。如果有關的資料當事人不同意此用途,請電郵至pl.membership@popularworld.com通知本集團。
11. 保障預防措施
11.1 本集團用加密法傳輸敏感的資料,並儘量對所有個人資料加以保密,但無法確保或保證向傳輸的任何形式的資料的機密性。
11.2 獲准查閱個人資料的人士只限於需要使用該等個人資料而且在遵守保密規定方面曾接受訓練的本集團僱員。
11.3 任何可查閱本集團持有個人資料的人士,均對本集團有保密責任,並向本集團承諾把個人資料保密。
12. 對兒童的保護(本條例只適用於網上媒介)
12.1 18歲以下瀏覽本集團網頁及/或使用應用程式人士進行以下活動前,必須取得父母或監護人的批准:
(a) 發出任何個人資料或其他人士的任何資料;
(b) 參加比賽、遊戲、娛樂活動或抽獎; 或
(c) 購買任何服務及/或產品。
12.2 如18歲或以下瀏覽本集團網頁及/或使用應用程式人士進行上述活動及/或提供個人資料,則會被視為已獲得其父母或監護人的批准。 因此,本集團建議父母及監護人應密切監管18歲以下人士瀏覽本集團網頁及/或用應用程式及給予適當的指引。
12.3 由於上述有關資料可能會在網頁及/或應用程式上公開展示,即使獲得家長或合法監護人的批准,本集團建議18歲或以下瀏覽網頁及/或應用程式人士也應只提供其名字或姓名簡稱,不應提供姓名全稱。
13. 豁免
13.1 本PPS內說明的任何部分不會限制資料當事人根據該條例所享有的權利。可是,在某些情況涉及影響或構成損害公?或社會利益時,可能受到豁免,當中包括國家安全及保安、反恐、反洗黑錢及罪案的防止或偵查等。
13.2 在本集團網站及/或應用程式所上載稿件、文章、圖片及內容乃作者原著或資料提供者提供,如因所撰寫之稿件、文章及內容導致任何法律糾紛而引致本集團遭受任何損失,一切後果均由作者或資料提供者承擔。
14. 超文本連結
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